El fiscal del condado de Ocean, Bradley D.. Billhimer anunció que en marzo 1, 2021, Douglas Thompson, 56, de jackson, fue sentenciado por el Honorable Guy P. ryan, J.S.C., to five years New Jersey State Prison as a result of a previously entered guilty plea to Death By Auto in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:11-5a. This sentence is subject to the terms of the No Early Release Act, NJSA. 2C:43-7.2, lo que significa que Thompson deberá cumplir al menos 85 por ciento de su sentencia de prisión antes de que pueda ser considerado para la elegibilidad para la libertad condicional. Además, Judge Ryan ordered that Thompson’s driving privileges be suspended for life in connection with his sentence for Death by Auto. Thompson pled guilty to this offense before Judge Ryan on November 19, 2020.
At the time of he was sentenced on the Death by Auto offense, Thompson pled guilty to Driving While Intoxicated (“DWI”) in violation of N.J.S.A. 39:4-50, for which Judge Ryan sentenced Thompson to 180 days incarceration to run concurrent with the five-year state prison sentence imposed on the Death by Auto conviction. Judge Ryan suspended Thompson’s driving privileges for a period of ten years relative to the DWI offense, which as a practical matter will be subsumed by the life-time ban on his driving privileges imposed as a consequence of the Death by Auto conviction.
En octubre 15, 2019, Toms River Township Police were dispatched to the intersection of Route 9 and Stevens Road for a report of a motor vehicle accident. Thomas Marciano, 65, del río Toms, was stopped behind a motor vehicle making a left-hand turn when he was struck from behind by a vehicle operated by Thompson. Mr. Marciano was transported to Community Medical Center and was subsequently flown to Jersey Shore Medical Center due to the severity of his injuries. Mr. Marciano ultimately succumbed to those injuries on October 28, 2019. Thompson submitted to chemical breath testing on the date of the crash, which revealed his Blood Alcohol Concentration to be .17 percent – more than double the legal limit under New Jersey law for purposes of alcohol consumption.
Prosecutor Billhimer acknowledges the diligent efforts of Supervising Assistant Prosecutor Robert Cassidy and Senior Assistant Prosecutor Jamie Schron who handled the case on behalf of the State, and commends the Toms River Township Police Department Traffic Safety Division, Unidad de Homicidios Vehiculares de la Oficina del Fiscal del Condado de Ocean, Unidad de Defensa de Víctimas y Testigos de la Fiscalía del Condado de Ocean, Unidad de Investigación de la Escena del Crimen de la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Ocean, Toms River EMS, and Silverton EMS, for their combined efforts in this investigation which ultimately resulted in Thompson’s guilty plea, state prison sentence, and life-time ban of his driving privileges.