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El fiscal del condado de Ocean, Bradley D.. Billhimer anunció que en enero 27, 2021, Elioenai Aguinaga, 32, de Lakewood, pled guilty to Robbery in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:15-1a(2), before the Honorable Rochelle Gizinski, JSC.  En el momento de su sentencia en marzo 24, 2021, el Estado buscará una pena de ocho años en la Prisión Estatal de Nueva Jersey, sujeto a los términos de la Ley de No Salida Temprana, NJSA. 2C:43-7.2.

En marzo 26, 2020, Officers of the Lakewood Township Police Department were summoned to Taylor’s Pharmacy on Madison Avenue for a report of a robbery. Responding Officers learned that a male suspect had entered the pharmacy, brandished a semi-automatic handgun at the store clerk, and demanded money from the cash register. The suspect took approximately $130 and fled the pharmacy.

A subsequent investigation by the Lakewood Township Police Department Detective Bureau ultimately determined that Aguinaga was, En realidad, the individual who committed the robbery at Taylor’s Pharmacy on March 26th.  En abril 25, 2020, Aguinaga was arrested by Officers from the Lakewood Township Police Department, procesado en la sede de la policía del municipio de Lakewood, y transportado a la cárcel del condado de Ocean – donde ha estado alojado desde su aprehensión.

Prosecutor Billhimer acknowledges the diligence of Assistant Prosecutor Kaitlyn Burke who handled the case on behalf of the State, as well as the hard work and determination exhibited by Officers of the Lakewood Township Police Department and Detective Bureau in their investigation of this matter which ultimately resulted in Aguinaga’s guilty plea.