First Assistant Ocean County Prosecutor Michael T. Nolan, jr.. announced that on Feb 19, 2025, James Hankins, Jr., 55, del municipio de Manchester, was charged with Theft by Deception in connection with incidents that occurred between April 2023 and March 2024.
En mayo 8, 2024, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Economic Crime Squad was contacted by an individual who advised he had wired $25,000 to Hankins on March 24, 2024 to invest on his behalf; the individual had yet to receive any confirmation that the monies had, En realidad, been so invested. Durante el transcurso de la investigación, Detectives discovered that a second individual – residing in the State of Florida – had entrusted Hankins with a total of $185,000 to invest on his behalf between the months of April 2023 y septiembre 2023; this individual had likewise never received any proof that the monies had actually been invested on his behalf.
Following a thorough and extensive investigation, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Economic Crime Squad determined that Hankins utilized the funds received from both victims for his own personal benefit.
En febrero 19, 2025, Hankins was charged with Theft by Deception. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and his name was entered into the National Crime Information Center database. En febrero 27, 2025, Detectives from the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Economic Crime Squad and Manchester Township Police located Hankins in Cookstown, New Jersey, y fue detenido sin incidentes. He was transported to the Ocean County Jail where he is presently lodged pending a detention hearing.
First Assistant Prosecutor Nolan commends the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Economic Crime Squad, Departamento de policía del municipio de Manchester, Departamento de policía del municipio de Toms River, and New Hanover Township Police Department, por sus esfuerzos combinados y cooperativos en relación con esta investigación.
Los cargos mencionados anteriormente son meras acusaciones y se recuerda a la prensa y al público que todos los acusados se presumen inocentes a menos y hasta que se demuestre su culpabilidad más allá de toda duda razonable en un tribunal de justicia..
RPC. 3.6(b)(6).