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El fiscal del condado de Ocean, Bradley D.. Billhimer anunció que en abril 4, 2023, Deshaun Porter, 29, de Newark, pled guilty to Aggravated Assault, two counts of being a Certain Person Not to Possess a Weapon, and Possession a Weapon For an Unlawful Purpose before the Honorable Kenneth T. Palmero, J.S.C., En relación con los incidentes que ocurrieron en noviembre 3, 2020 y noviembre 6, 2020, en río toms. En el momento de su sentencia en junio 2, 2023, el Estado recomendará una pena de siete años en la Prisión Estatal de Nueva Jersey (NJSP) as to the Aggravated Assault charge – sujeto a los términos de la Ley de No Salida Temprana, five years NJSP with a five-year period of parole ineligibility as to each of the Certain Person charges, and five years NJSP with a parole ineligibility period of 42 months as to the Possession of a Weapon for an Unlawful Purpose charge. Las oraciones deben ejecutarse simultáneamente..


En noviembre 6, 2020, Officers from the Toms River Township Police Department were summoned to an apartment on James Street for a report of a female victim being held against her will by a male suspect, later identified as Porter, with whom she had been in a relationship. Officers arrived on the scene at approximately 9:00 soy., at which time Porter fled the apartment. Responding Officers determined that Porter arrived at the apartment at approximately 4:00 soy., held the female victim at gunpoint, and refused to allow her leave. Further investigation revealed that the events at the apartment on James Street originated as a result of an earlier incident that occurred on November 3, 2020, at the Howard Johnson’s Hotel in Toms River. En esa fecha, Porter forced his way into a hotel room, threatened the occupants with a handgun, and struck the same female victim in the face. En noviembre 6, 2020, a warrant was issued for Porter’s arrest and his name was entered into the National Crime Information Center Database.


En diciembre 9, 2020, Porter was taken into custody in Atlantic City by the United States Marshals Service, Atlantic City Metro Task Force, y la policía estatal de Nueva Jersey. Fue transportado a la cárcel del condado de Ocean., donde ha estado alojado desde su aprehensión.


Prosecutor Billhimer acknowledges the diligent efforts of Senior Assistant Prosecutor Jamie Schron and Assistant Prosecutor Alyssa Mandara who are handling the case on behalf of the State, y elogia al Departamento de Policía del municipio de Toms River, Oficina del Sheriff del condado de Ocean, Policía Estatal de Nueva Jersey, Atlantic City Metro Task Force, y Servicio de Alguaciles de los Estados Unidos, for their combined and collective efforts in connection with this investigation resulting in Porter’s apprehension, declaraciones de culpabilidad, y pronto su sentencia de prisión estatal.