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El fiscal del condado de Ocean, Bradley D.. Billhimer and Plumsted Township Police Chief Earl Meroney announced that on September 6, 2022, Michael D. Weber, 64, of Spotswood, was charged with Theft in violation of NJSA. 2C:20-3a.


An investigation by the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Economic Crime Squad and Plumsted Township Police Department revealed that Weberacting in his capacity as Treasurer of the Lakeside Rod and Gun Club in Plumsted Townshipstole approximately $4,000.00 from the club between July 2017 y enero 2021. Weber was responsible for collecting and depositing the club’s membership dues and paying the club’s expenses. While he did, En realidad, collect the membership dues, Weber utilized the funds for his own personal benefit.


Weber was processed and released on a summons pending future appearances in Ocean County Superior Court.


El Fiscal Billhimer y el Jefe Meroney reconocen al Equipo de Delitos Económicos de la Oficina del Fiscal del Condado de Ocean y al Departamento de Policía de Plumsted Township por sus esfuerzos de colaboración en relación con esta investigación..


Los cargos mencionados anteriormente son meras acusaciones y se recuerda a la prensa y al público que todos los acusados ​​se presumen inocentes a menos y hasta que se demuestre su culpabilidad más allá de toda duda razonable en un tribunal de justicia..

RPC. 3.6(b)(6)