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El fiscal del condado de Ocean, Bradley D.. Billhimer anunció que en septiembre 4, 2023, John Voltolino, Jr., 45, del río Toms, was charged with Aggravated Arson, Robo, Theft, and Criminal Mischief, in connection with events that occurred on September 4, 2023, en río toms.


En septiembre 4, 2023, aproximadamente a 5:00 pm., Officers from the Toms River Township Police Department responded to a residence on Sun Valley Road for a report of a burglary. The homeowner reported that his son, John Voltolino, Jr., broke into the residence and stole a laptop. Responding Officers observed a broken window in the bathroom on the first floor, as well as blood throughout the residence. Además, a strong odor of gasoline was detected, and an extinguished fire on the living room floor – adjacent to a gasoline containerwas observed. Investigation determined that Voltolino, jr.. was, En realidad, responsible for the burglary of his father’s residence and theft of the laptop. Voltolino, jr.. was subsequently discovered in a wooded area behind the residence and placed under arrest for burglary and theft.


A scene examination was conducted by the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Major Crime–Arson Squad, Oficina de detectives del departamento de policía del municipio de Toms River, Unidad de Investigación de la Escena del Crimen de la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Ocean, and Ocean County Fire Marshal’s K-9 Unit. It was determined that a fire had been intentionally set in the living room utilizing an open flame, paper towels, and the subject gasoline container. Further investigation revealed that Voltolino, jr.. was responsible for setting the fire that had been extinguished. Como consecuencia, Voltolino, jr.. was additionally charged with aggravated arson and criminal mischief. Voltolino, jr.. was transported to the Ocean County Jail, donde se encuentra actualmente en espera de una audiencia de detención.


Prosecutor Billhimer commends the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Major Crime Unit-Arson Squad, Departamento de policía del municipio de Toms River, Oficina de detectives del departamento de policía del municipio de Toms River, Unidad de Investigación de la Escena del Crimen de la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Ocean, and Ocean County Fire Marshal’s K-9 Unit, por su asistencia combinada y colectiva en relación con esta investigación.



Los cargos mencionados anteriormente son meras acusaciones y se recuerda a la prensa y al público que todos los acusados ​​se presumen inocentes a menos y hasta que se demuestre su culpabilidad más allá de toda duda razonable en un tribunal de justicia..

RPC. 3.6(b)(6).